Precise Glass

Commercial Glass Replacement

Broken Glass


Our S. Albert Glass Specialist will measure the size and thickness of the glass panel, help you identify the manufacturer. The window specialist will estimate the price of new glass and also tell you the cost to install it in the old frame.

Single Pane
*Same Day Service Possible: Clear, Bronze, Gray Glass Only

Laminated/Tempered Safety Glass (Single Pane)
*Same Day Service Possible: Clear, Bronze, Gray Glass Only

IGU’s (Double Pane): Broken Glass & Fogged Windows
*Minimum 7-10 Business Day lead time
*If Glass Specification Color is VIRACON® expect lead times to be at least 6 weeks



Bullet Resistant

*Replacement methods vary slightly depending on how the window is constructed.

What to know about Fogged Windows.

  • Insulated Glass Unit’s (IGUs) that have become FOGGY is the result of a failed seal between the two panes of glass
  • When the seal fails, moisture seeps in between the two panes of glass, and over time, etching on the glass occurs from minerals in the moisture
  • There is no way to clean the insides of the glass, or to repair the seal once it has failed.
  • S. Albert Glass can replace the Glass Portion of the existing window. The whole window DOES NOT have to be replaced! The window frame and sash is left in place and only the glass part of the window is replaced.
  • In most cases, replacing an IGU is much more cost effective than buying a whole new window.
  • The life span of the seal between two panes of glass varies depending on quality of manufacturing/use/environmental conditions.
  • Fogged IGU it is not an Emergency Situation

Expert Commercial Glass Replacement Services

In the modern business landscape, aesthetics and functionality intertwine to create an environment that not only impresses clients but also fosters productivity among employees. Amidst this delicate balance, commercial spaces often rely heavily on glass installations for their unique blend of transparency, sophistication, and practicality. However, over time, wear and tear, accidents, and evolving design needs can necessitate a change – a change expertly addressed by the art and science of commercial glass replacement.

The Dynamics of Commercial Glass

Glass is a material that transcends mere utility; it’s a canvas that architects, designers, and business owners utilize to express their visions. From towering skyscrapers with sleek reflective facades to quaint storefronts adorned with expansive windows, the applications of commercial glass are as diverse as the businesses they house. Glass entrances, display cases, office partitions, and even interior decorative features all contribute to the overall ambiance and functionality of a space.

Aesthetic Evolution and Contemporary Trends

The design landscape is ever-evolving, and commercial spaces must keep up with the times. What was cutting-edge a decade ago might now appear dated and out of touch. This is where the role of commercial glass replacement becomes paramount. Replacing older glass with new, innovative designs and technologies not only revitalizes a space but also aligns it with current architectural trends. Switching to energy-efficient, high-performance glass, for instance, not only enhances insulation but also demonstrates a commitment to sustainability – a value often appreciated by both clients and employees.

Functional Upgrade and Performance Enhancement

Commercial glass replacement isn’t merely about aesthetics; it’s about optimizing functionality as well. Glass that was installed years ago might lack the sound insulation, UV protection, or security features that contemporary glass technologies offer. By replacing outdated glass with state-of-the-art solutions, businesses can create a safer, more comfortable, and more secure environment for their occupants. Noise reduction, increased energy efficiency, and enhanced security features are just a few benefits that businesses can reap from well-considered commercial glass replacement.

Impacts on Customer Perception

First impressions are crucial in the business world, and the façade of a commercial establishment sets the tone for the entire customer experience. A worn-out or dilapidated glass exterior can inadvertently convey an image of neglect or a lack of attention to detail. On the other hand, a fresh, gleaming glass frontage exudes professionalism, sophistication, and a commitment to excellence. Commercial glass replacement, therefore, goes beyond aesthetics; it plays a pivotal role in shaping customer perceptions and influencing their decisions to engage with a business.

Seamless Transition and Minimal Disruption

One might assume that commercial glass replacement entails significant disruption to business operations. However, with the right professionals at the helm, this process can be remarkably smooth and non-disruptive. Reputable glass replacement companies understand the unique needs of businesses and work diligently to minimize downtime. Whether it’s a retail space, an office, or an industrial facility, experienced teams can plan and execute the replacement process with minimal interference, allowing the business to continue operating as usual.

Collaboration and Customization

No two businesses are identical, and the same holds true for their glass replacement needs. Collaboration between business owners, architects, and glass experts is essential to ensure that the replacement aligns with the specific requirements and objectives of the establishment. Customization is key, as it allows for the creation of bespoke glass solutions that cater to the functionality, aesthetics, and branding of the business. Whether it’s a unique glass pattern, a branded logo, or a specific tint, commercial glass replacement can be tailored to meet even the most intricate demands.

Sustainability and Long-Term Value

In an era where sustainability is a growing concern, commercial glass replacement can also be a step towards a greener future. Energy-efficient glass options, such as low-E glass, can significantly reduce heating and cooling costs, contributing to a business’s bottom line while also lessening its environmental footprint. Moreover, the longevity and durability of modern glass technologies ensure that businesses enjoy their benefits for years to come, translating to long-term value and a reduced need for frequent replacements.